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Multiarch image mirror 🔀 ​

The purpose of this repository is to create multi-arch images for official images not compatible with ARM64.

Explanation ​

Each application receives one or more matrices to list the different architectures that need to be created and a workflow file to perform certain actions necessary to enable cross-platform compatibility and image construction.

Automation ​

The workflow runs daily (03:00 am) or can be triggered manually from the Github user interface.

Notes: Before each application build, the CI compares the last tag of the official version with the last tag of the mirror image to check whether a new build should be triggered.

Images ​

ApplicationPull command
Mattermostdocker pull
Outlinedocker pull

Notes: All images are mirrored with the official tag version.

Sources ​

Take a look at the project sources.

If you'd like to improve or fix the code, check out the contribution guidelines.