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Cheatsheets 📔 ​

A set of personal cheat sheets ready to use with cheat.

Sheets ​

The following cheatsheets are available :

Sheet nameDescription
ansibleuseful commands for ansible
helmuseful commands for helm
kubectluseful commands for kubectl
k9suseful commands for k9s
openssluseful commands for openssl
pg_dumpuseful commands for pg_dump
pg_restoreuseful commands for pg_restore
sqlSQL language reminder
vimuseful commands for vim

Import ​

Sheets can be imported with the following command :

curl -s | bash -s -- \
  -u "" -s "sheets" -o "$HOME/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal" -d

Change the output folder accordingly to your needs / cheat configuration.


Check the script options with the helper flag :

curl -s | bash -s -- -h

Sources ​

Take a look at the project sources.

If you'd like to improve or fix the code, check out the contribution guidelines.